Son muchos los nuevos spliters que venís de muchos años en estación con una técnica de descenso mas o menos buena, pero con un desconocimiento del terreno de la media y alta montaña invernal.

Son muchos los nuevos spliters que venís de muchos años en estación con una técnica de descenso mas o menos buena, pero con un desconocimiento del terreno de la media y alta montaña invernal. Por ello desde Mendiboard queremos incentivar y facilitar la formación y seguridad en la montaña invernal. Estos cursos van dirigidos a daros esa formación necesaria para desenvolverse de una forma práctica, autónoma y segura en un entorno de media y alta montaña.

Los cursos se personalizan para cada grupo, adaptando el contenido a las necesidades de cada grupo tal y como:

  • Técnica de progresión con crampones y piolet.
  • Autodetención con piolet.
  • Trazado de una ruta segura.
  • Utilización de arva, pala y sonda.
  • Progresión de foqueo.
  • Análisis del manto nivoso y de terreno.
  • Protocolos de actuación en caso de accidente.
  • Y un largo etc…

Para ello ponemos a tu disposición a unos guías de alta montaña:


There are many new splitters that come from many years in season with a technique of descent more or less good, but with an ignorance of the terrain of the middle and high winter mountain.

Therefore from Mendiboard we want to encourage and facilitate training and safety in the winter mountain. These courses are aimed at giving you the necessary training to develop in a practical, autonomous and safe way in a medium and high mountain environment.

The courses are customized for each group, adapting the content to the needs of each group such as:

    • Progression technique with crampons and ice ax.
    • Self-closing with ice ax.
    • Tracing a safe route.
    • Use of arva, shovel and probe.
    • Progression in touring mode.
    • Analysis of the snow cover and terrain.
    • Protocols of action in case of accident.
    • And a long …

For this we put at your disposal some high mountain guides:

There are many new splitters that come from many years in season with a technique of descent more or less good, but with an ignorance of the terrain of the middle and high winter mountain.

Therefore from Mendiboard we want to encourage and facilitate training and safety in the winter mountain. These courses are aimed at giving you the necessary training to develop in a practical, autonomous and safe way in a medium and high mountain environment.

The courses are customized for each group, adapting the content to the needs of each group such as:

  • Progression technique with crampons and ice ax.
  • Self-closing with ice ax.
  • Tracing a safe route.
  • Use of arva, shovel and probe.
  • Progression in touring mode.
  • Analysis of the snow cover and terrain.
  • Protocols of action in case of accident.
  • And a long …

For this we put at your disposal some high mountain guides:

MArtín Elorza Guía de Alta Montaña

Martín Elorza Mountain Guide UIAGM.

Superior Sports Technician in High Mountain and Climbing / High Mountain Guide UIAGM.

Canyoning Technician / Canyoning Guide AEGM.

Guías de Tenea: Guía de Alta Montaña

Fede San Sebastian, Guias de Tena.

Superior Sports Technician in High Mountain and Climbing / High Mountain Guide UIAGM.

Canyoning Technician / Canyoning Guide AEGM.

Guía de Alta Montaña

Pau Gomez, High Mountain Guide UAIGM.

Superior Sports Technician in High Mountain and Climbing / High Mountain Guide UIAGM.

Superior Sports Technician in Snowboard.